Results for: North Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • Free and Low-cost Food
  • North Vancouver, BC, Canada

  1. Offers financial support to individuals and families in need. Grants can cover clothing and footwear, food and basic household needs, and personal development or recreation. They can also cover medical expenses such as prosthetics, eyewear, home adjustments fo...
  2. Gives hope and support to vulnerable individuals and families through the provision of social services and practical assistance focusing on the basic necessities of life. Helps meet the immediate and short-term needs of people in distress through emergency ass...
  3. The Frozen Meal program offers low-cost meals ($2 for soups, $4 for casseroles, and $5 for entrees) which can be ordered online, by phone, or in person; orders can be picked up from 9 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday, or delivered between 9 am to 1 pm Tuesdays a...
  4. A free community lunch (soup, sandwich, dessert, coffee, and tea) is served from 12 noon to 1 pm every Thursday; meal is held on the ground floor in the Friendship Room. Donated bread is also available for pick-up during this time. An emergency food program is...
  5. Helps low-income families with children 18 years or younger, low-income seniors age 65 and over, and people with disabilities living in North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Bowen Island, and Lions Bay. Provides Christmas Hampers filled with grocery cards, personal...
  6. Provides approximately 10 to 12 food items per client per week to residents of North Vancouver who are experiencing food insecurity. To access services, registration with government-issued identification (ID) for each family member (expired ID and photocopies ...
  7. 1.03KM
    Low-cost food market providing healthy food at an affordable price while empowering clients to make their own choices about what they purchase. Open to card-carrying clients of a food bank, income assistance recipients, or by referral from a social service age...
  8. Provides a safe, low barrier space for transgender, two-spirit, gender non-conforming, or queer individuals to access healthy food as well as support from their LGBTQ2+ peers and allies. Offers fresh produce and baked goods, as well donated items such as cloth...
  9. 3.95KM
    Low-cost food market providing healthy food at an affordable price while empowering clients to make their own choices about what they purchase. Open to card-carrying clients of a food bank, income assistance recipients, or by referral from a social service age...
  10. Provides Christmas assistance in the form of food vouchers, clothing, and toys to families in the Vancouver area who are low income or who receive income assistance. Also distributes toys to other local Lower Mainland Christmas bureaus. Joint sponsor of the Va...
  11. A grassroots community initiative that distributes fresh food to those in need. Accepts donations. Operates out of a tent in Pandora Park from 2 pm to 5 pm Mondays, Tuesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
  12. Offers daily drop-in programs for elders age 55 and older who live in Vancouver. Elders, who sign up as members, may access a daily 12 noon luncheon as well as social/recreational activities. There is also a food bank every Wednesday (except during cheque issu...
  13. Outreach program in the Downtown Eastside provides free pet food and pet supplies to people with pets who are homeless, low-income, or seniors. Registration with government-issued identification and proof of address is required. Food and pet supply distributio...
  14. 4.38KM
    Pregnancy outreach program provides health and social service support to women in the Vancouver Downtown Eastside who are dealing with a current or recent history of substance abuse, and are pregnant or parenting infants/toddlers younger than 18 months. Helps ...
  15. Low-cost food market providing healthy food at an affordable price while empowering clients to make their own choices about what they purchase. Open to card-carrying clients of a food bank, income assistance recipients, or by referral from a social service age...
  16. Offers community drop-in programming on Mondays and Wednesdays. Oatmeal served from 10 am to 12:30 pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. Free food items offered at the community fridge and pantry located inside the Neighbourhood House on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10...
  17. Breakfast Program offers a low cost breakfast option for students and families of Lord Strathcona Elementary. Fees are $2.50 per meal. Backback Program provides participants with produce and staples to last through the weekend.
  18. Faith-based organization provides services and support for low-income families and homeless people. The Friends of Hastings program distributes meals and food to Downtown Eastside residents at the intersection of Hastings and Columbia at 1 pm on Saturdays. Oth...
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